Catalog / Honoré Daumier / The Appearance of Being
Honoré Daumier (1808-1879) is considered the most famous caricaturist in art history. Like hardly any other artist, the Frenchman held up a mirror to an entire epoch. With his satirical-critical drawings he accompanied the political, social and cultural life of France in the 19th century full of humor and biting. With numerous illustrations, including lithographs, but also paintings and sculptures, the volume shows how Daumier made fun of the Parisian world.
Edited by Markus Müller for the Graphic Museum Pablo Picasso Münster.
With contributions by Alain Deligne, Hans-Jürgen Hellwig, Markus Müller, Valérie-Anne Sircoulomb-Müller and Valérie Sueur-Hermel
256 pages, 241 illustrations, German